Sunrise Pickups are a limited production product built entirely
by Jim Kaufman, with a maximum total of 500 units sold annually.
Sunrise Acoustic Guitar Pickups

Richard Thompson
S-1) Sunrise Pickup only (8" wire for
internal installation)
S-1LW Long Wire Sunrise Pickup (24" wire)
without jack
S-1LWJ) Long Wire Sunrise Pickup with 1/4" jack (24"
S-2) Sunrise Pickup with Installation Kit
Installation Kit includes:
3 conductor endpin jack
low noise cable
male and female inline mini connectors
Plastic retaining clips for mini connectors
with self adhesive foam pads
S-Kit) Installation Kit (without Sunrise Pickup)
SB-1 and SB-2
18 volt solid state Preamps
( Two 9volt Energizer Batteries )
SB-1 Mono Preamp Buffer Box
SB-2 Stereo (2 channel) Preamp Buffer Box
Sunrise Tube Interface Preamp
Lo-Z Direct Box

Sunrise Tube Interface
(pictured without vented top)

S-Loz Direct Box
ST-I Tube Interface with flight Case
S-LoZ Direct Box
All prices subject to change